The National Academy of Sciences confirms this “Microscopic Miracle”
Re-Activates Your Good “Gut Genes”
To ease agitated bowels
– Scientific American
Vanquish occasional constipation
– Chinese Medical Journal
Soothe abdominal discomfort and bloating
– Microbiology
Relieve stomach distress and loose stools 
– Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
“...all safely and naturally and without harmful side effects.”
Dear Friend,

New discoveries in digestive and GI science by doctors at Stanford and other leading medical schools are changing the way I treat my patients for occasional constipation, abdominal discomfort and digestive distress.
When I first see these patients, they tell me they’re frustrated because typical laxatives, probiotics, digestive enzymes and colon cleanses aren’t working. And they don’t want to depend on conventional solutions with harmful side effects.
"This means irregularity, bloating, straining to ‘go’ and gut discomfort — GONE!"
That’s why I’m excited to tell them I’ve found a new and better way to alleviate and overcome these problems. And now, you can do the same.

What have I discovered? Let me begin with...
The Microscopic Miracle That Re-Activates Your Good “Gut Genes” and Silences Bad Ones
Doctors in the Netherlands have made an exciting discovery that’s shaking the gastrointestinal world to its core.

A breakthrough study reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has revealed for the first time that three special strains of “good” bacteria (probiotics) can positively affect hundreds of genes in human intestines.
In this study, healthy volunteers consumed a drink containing these superior probiotics, and six hours later, biopsies were taken from their intestines and genetically analyzed.

The results? Far beyond helping to better digest and assimilate food, these unique probiotics actually switched “on” hundreds of genes, helping them express themselves in a positive, health-boosting way. [1]

This is a breakthrough in the field of “epigenetics” — the study of physiological mechanisms that alter gene function to silence harmful ones and activate beneficial ones.

My name is Dr. Al Sears, and epigenetics is something that’s fascinated me for years — and for good reason. For example… 
A new microscopic miracle can quell your digestive and constipation problems.
See What Happens When You
Turn Your Good “Gut Genes” Back On
You’ll be able to get your gut, digestion and elimination back to their primal, healthy state.
Now, use the same “great gut” secret my patients are using.
You’ll get regular again — banishing occasional constipation and straining to “go.” 

You’ll soothe bloating, gut discomfort and all kinds of digestive distress.

And all starting in as little as three days!

As a bonus, you can even power up your immune system… keep your heart healthy… lose twice as much weight… and sharpen your mind and memory. 

Sound good? Then read on for a new breakthrough discovery that makes this all possible. 

It starts with this important new finding…
The Microscopic Miracle That Re-Activates Your Good “Gut Genes” and Silences Bad Ones
I’ve always been a believer in Primal Health — wellness principles that mimic our primal ancestors who lived free of most every health ailment that plagues us today.

While we can’t go back in time, we can still glean vital and life-saving health secrets from hunter-gatherers living today — as I did when I visited the Maasai warriors in Tanzania, Africa.
Here I am with a Maasai tribesman.
My experience with them struck a chord with me because they’re among the healthiest people I’ve ever seen. This has been confirmed by what Stanford and King’s College London doctors discovered… 
…Living Among the People with the Strongest Guts in the World
In a landmark study, doctors from these prestigious universities lived among the Hadza — one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes in all of Africa — who use their native diets to keep their guts healthy.

In fact, they have the world’s strongest guts — or more specifically, the community of hundreds of billions of microscopic “good” bacteria that live there —  thanks to the primal diet they feed it with.
As it turns out, the Hadzas’ “million-year-old diet” holds the key to great gut health for you and ending occasional constipation, bloating, stomach aches and bowel concerns. 

The Hadza, from the savannah woodlands of Tanzania, live quite similarly to our Pleistocene ancestors. They hunt with bows and arrows and use small axes and digging sticks as construction tools.

Fully 95% of their calories come from wild foods, such as meaty game, berries, honey and a strange-looking fruit called baobab. Plus, the Hadzas get 100 or more grams of fiber a day on average — compared to 15 grams a day that Americans consume.
Hadza women harvesting baobab fruit.
The result of the Hadza diet? Stanford researchers compared 350 stool samples collected from the Hadzas with ones from 17 countries and found the gut microbes of this tribe are far more diverse than those found in the Western diet. [2]
Popular Science confirms this by reporting, “We consume foods that are overwhelmingly low in fiber and now possess one of the least diverse microbiomes on earth.

The Hadzas’ guts have a much higher level of micro-diversity than most modern guts, with a much greater ability to digest and extract nutrients from fiber-rich foods than most modern humans.

Now we know lack of diversity of gut microbes in Americans is a hidden cause of devastating digestive, GI and elimination ailments.
Why do you need a diversity of gut microbes?
For many reasons. A diversity of gut microbes…
  • Helps you better digest and break down food
  • Releases key nutrients your body need that you otherwise can’t access
  • Allows you to establish a strong immune system
  • Supports healthy gut bacteria and lessens undesirable ones
  • Gives you great gut health, smooth digestion and easy elimination
King’s College London puts it this way: “Mounting evidence suggests that the richer and more diverse the community of microbes in your gut, the lower your risk of [health concerns]."

After reviewing this research, I knew increasing the diversity of gut microbes, not just adding more “good” bacteria, was the KEY to helping my patients ease their digestive, GI and elimination problems.

But most so-called “remedies” I saw fell short. So I decided to formulate something new and better — based on the latest science and clinical research.
I call it Primal Biotic — and as you’ll see, it boosts your gut’s micro-diversity and restores your digestive, GI and elimination systems to primal health in a far different and superior way to anything you’ve ever seen or tried before.
Its unique ingredients do wonders for my patients, and now they’re yours, starting with a key ingredient missing from most probiotics...
“Primal Flora” Quells Occasional Constipation, Gut Discomfort and Bowel Woes
So resilient, it survives in the harshest environments — even space!
The first step for increasing diversity of your gut microbes and easing digestive problems is to reload your gut with ancient “lost” flora, what I call Primal flora.

Leading the way is a native probiotic (“good” bacteria strain) called Bacillus subtilis, missing from today’s foods and typical probiotics, yet available to you in the new Primal Biotic formula.

Stunning research shows Bacillus subtilis has functioned as a probiotic since life began on earth.
Bacillus subtilis
Researchers were able to grow viable Bacillus subtilis cells from a 250-million-year-old salt crystal from the Permian Salado Formation. 

This unique probiotic was also found in the abdominal contents of extinct bees preserved for 25 to 40 million years in buried Dominican amber. Plus, they found Bacillus subtilis in ice cores as old as 20,000 years in China, Bolivia, Peru, Greenland and Antarctica.
In fact, researchers found Bacillus subtilis to be abundant in all samples from all regions and periods tested. Even better, they found a 90% similar genomic make-up from the ancient and current strains.

Our ancestors got their probiotics like Bacillus subtilis from their foods and drinks, rich in mega doses of environmental bacteria. It turns out this ancient flora was abundant in the GI systems of mammals, insects, invertebrates, birds, marine life, even reptiles and in the soil and environment of our ancestors.

Yet how has this ancient probiotic survived and thrived for so long?

One reason is, it’s extremely resistant. For example, Bacillus subtilis is able to survive for six years in space, despite harsh radiation, vacuum, temperatures and other conditions that don’t support life.

Plus, Bacillus subtilis has developed a protective shell that allows it to pass through the gastric conditions of the stomach and ultimately thrive. Even better…
Modern Science Proves Its Gut Restoring, Rejuvenating Benefits
Bacillus subtilis first gained famed as an aid in treating GI and urinary tract problems worldwide before the introduction of antibiotics.

More recently, it has been shown to…
  • Support healthy, firm stools and prevent feelings of nausea, bloating and abdominal discomfort [3]
  • Relieve occasional constipation with a 41.9% success rate [4]
  • Support colon health [5]
  • Restore gut microbiota even after extensive use of antibiotics (which typically kill off “good” bacteria) [6]
  • Supports intestinal health seen in animal study [7]
  • Increase levels of “good” bacteria like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in lab experiments [8,9]
This is why Bacillus subtilis is the first key primal probiotic in my new Primal Biotic formula. Yet there’s even more…
Stanford’s 3-Day Gut Miracle
In the Stanford study of the gut health of the Hadzas, Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology, King’s College London, lived among the tribe. He forged food with them… hunted with them… and ate their meals.

The results? A clear difference between his gut microbes before the study and after three days living among the Hadza. In fact, Tim’s gut microbial diversity increased a stunning 20% on the native Hadza diet.
Now, you can increase your gut’s microbial diversity and restore your gut and GI system to primal health and wellness with the new Primal Biotic formula.
As reported by the British Journal of Nutrition
Lose Twice as Much Weight—Impossible? Not Anymore!
Could the right probiotics help reset the balance of intestinal microbiota in favor of bacteria that promotes healthy weight loss? An eye-opening study says, YES!
In this study, 125 overweight men and women went on a 12-week weight-loss diet, followed by a 12-week period aimed at maintaining body weight.

Throughout the entire study, half of the participants took two pills daily of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus, while the other half took a placebo.

After 12 weeks, women taking the probiotic lost 9.7 lbs. but only 5.7 lbs. taking the placebo. There was no difference in the men.
Even better, the women taking the probiotic continued to lose weight for a total of 11.4 lbs. lost per person — twice as much weight loss as those taking the placebo. [11] 

My new Primal Biotic includes Lactobacillus rhamnosus to help you slim down the natural way.
Reload your gut with ancient “lost” flora… vanquish digestive and GI problems…
and slim down.
Satisfaction guaranteed — or it’s FREE! Order today for special savings, a FREE Bottle and other FREE Gifts.
Doctors Hail...
“Probiotics Can Supercharge Your Health.”
Yet you need a huge diversity of the most powerful and proven strains for best results… and that’s what my new Primal Biotic delivers.
Ivy League doctors report probiotics can aid digestion, help maintain gut health and help ease problems such as:
  • ​Loose stools
  • ​Bowel concerns
  • ​Occasional constipation
  • ​Slow gut transit time
  • ​Hard stools
How? One reason is these doctors confirm that “good” bacteria produce small chain fatty acids such as butyrate.

Butyrate helps maintain the cells that line your digestive tract... move digestive food through your gut… keep your gut lining healthy and sealed to prevent leaky gut… and control gut health.

According to Scientific Reports, people suffering from bowels concerns produce less butyrate then those with normal guts. Doctors confirm that high levels of butyrate are linked to lower risk of digestive discomfort.

This is why my new Primal Biotic formula includes probiotics that produce butyrate like the Bacillus subtilis I mentioned earlier, plus… 
It Gives You Even Greater Microbial Diversity with Ten of the Most Powerful, Proven Probiotic Strains
These include…
  • The leaky gut stopper
Lactobacillus plantarum is the “good” bacteria that keeps the lining of your gut strong and healthy… has a soothing effect on your gut… and makes sure you have plenty of “good” bacteria to fight off “bad” bacteria.
  • The good “gut gene” activator
Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the special probiotic strains that switches your good “gut genes” into action… supports your body’s ability to fight off foreign invaders… and combat problematic microbes. In fact, when E.coli was grown in the presence of L. acidophilus, there was a significant reduction in harmful genes.

It also makes lactase, which you need to digest milk, and it manufactures vitamin K1. Without vitamin K1, your body can’t make vitamin K2 and your body won’t be able to clear away calcium deposits that cause plaque.

As plaque continues to accumulate, your risk of heart disease and heart attack skyrockets.
  • The immune system booster
Lactobacillus brevis is the “good” bacteria strain that boosts your immune system by enhancing killer T cell activity.

L.brevis also prevents the effect of certain gut pathogens, plus it increases levels of the brain growth hormone BDNF, which can help keep your mind and memory sharp.
  • The digestive comforter
Bifidobacterium lactis is a powerful probiotic that boosts immunity… aids in digestive comfort… and supports healthy stools.
  • The food allergy queller
Bifidobacterium longum is the “good” strain that’s one of the first types of bacteria to colonize your gut at birth. It improves lactose tolerance… keeps stools regular… and helps you better digest foods.
  • The weight-loss aid
Lactobacillus rhamnosus is another one of the unique probiotic strains clinically proven to reactivate good “gut genes” in the intestinal tract — all to help soothe GI and digestive distress.

It also appears to reduce fat mass, body weight and weight gain, especially when taken along with Bifidobacterium lactis. [12]
  • The bowel soother
Lactobacillus casei powerfully activates good “gut genes” and silences bad ones… keeps stools normal… soothes bowel concerns… and quells occasional constipation.
  • The energy supercharger
Lactobacillus paracasei is important because it helps boost your immune system… is a key for healthy digestive function… and supercharges your energy. 
  • The “good” bacteria multiplier
Streptococcus thermophilus is vital because it reduces lactose intolerance … stimulates your immune system… stimulates the growth of other beneficial bacteria… supports a calm GI system.
  • The gut balancer
Lactobacillus salivarius is a powerhouse probiotic that’s important because it supports a healthy balance in the inflammatory response of your body, and it helps maintain a high level of good bacteria in your gut.

In all, my new Primal Biotic formula increases your microbial diversity with these 10 powerful probiotic strains, plus Bacillus subtilis… in a daily serving that delivers 11 billion colony-forming units (CFUs).

These are the best probiotic strains I’ve found — ones that are working remarkably well to help my patients ease gut, GI and constipation problems.

Yet that’s not all. Primal Biotic also includes nutrients I haven’t seen in typical probiotics… all to give you even better results…
Ivy League Medical School:
Cut Your Risk of Heart “Disaster” by 62% 
Stunning research shows diversity of gut bacteria can keep hearts healthy.

German researchers analyzed the gut bacteria in healthy people and in patients with heart concerns. They found those with heart concerns were missing key groups of bacteria for good health. In addition, their gut flora was not as diverse as that of healthy people. [13]

In addition, patients with heart concerns had higher levels of a substance produced when gut microbes feed on choline — a nutrient found in red meat, fish, poultry and eggs — called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO).

Doctors report that people with the lowest levels of TMAO are 38% more likely to maintain great heart health.  

Now, with the new Primal Biotic, you can replenish your gut with “good” bacteria — all for a strong heart and great health.
Researchers discovered a significant correlation between depletion of intestinal microbiota and heart failure. Those with more plentiful gut flora were less likely to suffer heart problems.
Power up your health with the best probiotic strains and vanquish common digestive, GI and elimination problems.
Satisfaction guaranteed — or it’s FREE! Order today for special savings, a FREE Bottle and other FREE Gifts.
British Broadcasting Corporation reveals...
The Stunning Secret of the Strongest Guts in the World Missing from Most Probiotics
The Hadzas of Africa have the strongest guts in the world because of microbial diversity in the GI systems and because their diet includes pre-biotics.  

Pre-biotics are high-fiber compounds that amplify the gut-restoring medicinal power or probiotics. And the new Primal Biotic formula takes you far beyond typical probiotics or digestive formulas because it also includes four unique pre-biotics.
Why do you need pre-biotics along with probiotics? Because pre-biotics… 

1. Feed and ferment gut microflora to unleash their full healing power

2. Multiply the presence of “good” bacteria and support a calming effect on your GI tract

3. Quell occasional constipation by improving bowel frequency and consistency

4. Improve your digestion of foods
A unique fruit grown on “The Vitamin Tree” holds the key to quelling constipation and digestive problems.
5. Re-energize your body 

6. Help you feel fuller and decrease unwanted weight gain 

The first pre-biotic… 
…comes from what National Geographic hails as
“The Vitamin Tree” 
Each serving of the new Primal Biotic includes 20 mg of Baobab extract — derived from unique fruit prized by the hunter-gatherer Hadzas as a staple in their diet.

It’s the only fruit in the world that dries naturally on the branches of unusual-looking trees that live thousands of years. Some call them “upside trees” because their branches look like roots. 

Instead of dropping and spoiling, Baobab fruit stay on the branches and bake for six months. This transforms its velvety green coating into a hard coconut-like shell.

The pulp dries out completely… and the result is a 100% pure fruit extract dissolved in water or milk as a drink… used as a sauce… or as a fermenting agent for brewing or baking.
Antioxidant Content in Superfruit
“Baobab tops antioxidants in new breed of ORAC tests” –
Traditional Hadza healers also use it to treat occasional constipation and digestive problems.

The pulp of this bizarre-looking fruit is about 50% fiber (no wonder the Hadzas get as much as 100 grams of fiber a day) and is among the most nutrient dense foods in all of creation.

If that’s not enough, Baobab has 10 times the antioxidant level and six times more vitamin C than oranges, and twice the calcium level of milk.
The World’s Most Potent Antioxidant
In addition, Brunswick Labs released an independent report stating the Baobab fruit sets new highs in ORAC values — the measure of a food’s antioxidant power — exceeding the ORAC value of goji, acai or any other superfruit. reports, “Baobab tops antioxidants in new breed of ORAC tests.” 

This is important because free radicals can trigger numerous digestive problems. 

Most important, the soluble fibers in the Baobab fruit exert pre-biotic effects, promoting the growth of healthy, “good” bacteria in your gut.  

No wonder the BBC hails Baobab as “The King of Superfruits.” adds, “Products made from Baobab fruit can help slow the aging process and protect against major [health issues].” 

Yet that’s not all.
Primal Biotic Also Includes Three Other Powerful Pre-Biotics
Each serving of this exclusive new formula also includes 20 mg of…
  • The “good” bacteria and immunity booster
Larch Tree Bark, a natural substance from the wood of larch trees, has been found to increase probiotic levels (specifically increasing Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus).

It is also an excellent source of fiber. In addition, Larch can support natural killer NK cells and has the ability to help you build a more responsive immune system.
  • The intestinal calmer
Honey Bush is a flowering plant grown in Africa that’s a rich pre-biotic that nourishes your “good” gut bacteria. Its unique compounds keep intestinal cells healthy, which is one reason this medicinal plant is prized by indigenous people.
  • The stomach and cramp soother
Rooibos Bark (meaning “red bush”) is a broom-like plant that grows in South Africa. This powerful pre-biotic feeds your “good” intestinal bacteria.

It’s also a rich source of anti-spasmodic agents which can ease stomach cramps and abdominal discomfort, as well as keep stools normal.[16]  Plus, it streamlines your digestion.
In all, the new Primal Biotic gives you nature’s most powerful pre-biotics and probiotics in one formula — all to increase your gut’s micro diversity and ease digestion, GI and elimination problems for good.
The surprising GUT-BRAIN connection
How to Keep Your Gut, Moods and Brain Healthy
I’ve been fascinated by the tiny organisms in our gut and their impact on our health since I was in medical school more than 30 years ago.

As a young doctor, I saw the connection between gut and brain in patients who were suffering from depression — many who also suffered from abdominal pain… constipation… diarrhea… bloating… and irritated bowels.

Studies prove emotional factors such as stress and depression can influence the development of many chronic gut and stomach problems via the gut brain axis. [17]
The truth is, stress impacts the integrity of your gut lining and alters the way the muscles of your GI tract mix its contents after you’ve eaten. It also changes the delicate balance of your gastric juices as well as protein makeup 

Research shows how these changes alter the habitat and composition of your resident gut bacteria and the way they function. [18]
Further research at the University College Cork in Ireland reveals a compromised microbiome in mice resulted in anxiety, depression and even autism. Studies also show normal behavior can be restored by treating test subjects with certain strains of benign bacteria. [19,20]

Now, restore your gut to primal health with the new Primal Biotic and keep your gut, moods and brain healthy.
Amplify the medicinal power of probiotics with unique pre-biotics and ease digestive, GI and elimination problems.  
Satisfaction guaranteed — or it’s FREE! Order today for special savings, a FREE Bottle and other FREE Gifts.
“I’ve never recommended probiotics... until now.”
I never used to recommend probiotics for these reasons…
  • Typical probiotics are often killed off by stomach acid and never reach the lower gut to work their magic.
They won’t do you any good if they never make it to your gut. Imagine trying to swim in an ocean of battery acid. That’s what it’s like for standard probiotics. Most never make it alive.
  • Probiotics seen in yogurt and drink commercials, that promise to “regulate your digestive tract,” don’t work.
You have to eat too much yogurt and consume too much of probiotic drinks for any positive results. I haven’t found any that I’d endorse.
  • Many probiotics fail to deliver what they promise. tested the quality of a variety of probiotic products.

Shockingly, out of 13 probiotics selected for testing, only two were found to accurately list the number of cells viable at time of purchase.

Tests showed that at the time a probiotic is purchased, it may contain as little as 10% to 58% of the amount listed on its label.

For example, one probiotic promised “12 BILLION CELLS” per capsule on the front label (footnoted as being “at date of manufacture”), while its supplement facts panel guaranteed an amount through expiration that was actually 80% lower!

This is why headlined their study: “Many Probiotics Don’t Delivery Listed Ingredients” 
  •  Improper processing, excess heat and expired shelf life means “good" bacteria is destroyed.
Probiotics are very sensitive, and any one of these factors can kill them before they reach your gut.
  •  Just taking more of typical probiotics is NOT enough.
You need to increase the diversity of your gut microbes by taking the right strains of probiotics and powerful pre-biotics to amplify the gut-restoring medical power of probiotics.

So I set out to create a new pre-biotic and probiotic formula based on the success I’m having with my own patients — a formula unlike any other. And that’s how Primal Biotic was created.
10 Reasons Why Primal Biotic Helps End Digestive and Elimination Problems
1. It’s the first natural digestive/elimination formula I’ve seen that’s “primal. It’s based on “primal principles” gleaned from our ancestors, including the importance of a high diversity of gut microbes for healthy digestion, GI health and elimination. Plus it includes probiotics and pre-biotics found in the “million year old diet” that gave our primal ancestors the strongest, healthiest guts in the world.
2. It includes the “ancient flora” proven by modern medicine to quell occasional constipation, gut discomfort, bowel issues and digestive distress.

I made sure this special probiotic, Bacillus subtilis, is in this new formula. It’s that important — yet shockingly, not found in most typical probiotics.
3. It includes 10 more of the most powerful, clinically proven probiotics from nature’s pharmacy — all which can keep your digestion, GI tract and elimination healthy.
4. It includes four unique pre-biotics to feed, nourish and amplify the healing power of “good” bacteria in your gut. 
5. It includes special probiotics (like Bacillus subtilis) and pre-biotics (like Baobab fruit and Larch tree bark) that deliver medicinal power to your lower gut. 
6. This unique probiotic and pre-biotic blend is resistant to any pH condition. 

This is important because your stomach has low pH (meaning high acid), acid which kills of many standard probiotics.  
7. Each serving includes 11 billion colony-formula units (CFUs) to ensure full power and potency.
8. The probiotics have been carefully selected to ensure viability until shelf life expiration.
9. Each serving is in a vegetable capsule.
10. These are the same specially selected probiotics and pre-biotics my patients are taking with great success — now available to you for the very first time.

Even better…
“Finally, unleash the full power of primal probiotics and pre-biotics in one capsule.”
It’s never been easier for you to get the most powerful primal probiotics AND pre-biotics in one formula — to banish occasional constipation, gut discomfort, digestive distress and GI problems — than with my new Primal Biotic formula.

No more breaking the bank on multiple digestive, GI and elimination-enhancing pills. No more swallowing three to four different pills or capsules a day.

Just take a serving of Primal Biotic every day… and let the remarkable gut-restoring, gut-boosting results begin.

Plus, to give you even more motivation to try the new Primal Biotic today, it’s now more convenient and affordable than ever…
Get a FREE Bottle and FREE Gifts, plus FREE Shipping 
Special arrangements have been made for you to try out my new Primal Biotic and enjoy a FREE bottle, great savings and great bonuses, too.
For example, your “Best Deal” offer includes…

❯❯ Two bottles of Primal Biotic (a 2-month supply)

❯❯ One FREE Bottle of Primal Biotic (that’s an additional 1-month supply, a $49.95 value)

❯❯ FREE enrollment in the VIP Auto Delivery Program. You’ll automatically receive a new 3-month supply of Primal Biotic every three months before you run out. 

Yet that’s not all. You’ll also receive 3 FREE Special e-Reports…
FREE e-Report No. 1:
New Secrets for Great Gut Health
A $19.95 value, yours FREE
In this valuable Special e-Report, you’ll learn…
  • Why today’s toxic world is a perfect set-up for disease, especially if your good gut bacteria is swamped by bad ones
  • The ancient fix for occasional constipation, indigestion and GI woes now shown to be a powerful gastric healer
  • Medical shocker: Why the real cause of heart concerns often starts in your… gut
  •  Why stress and anxiety can cause serious gut and digestive troubles — and what you can do about it
  •  The super fiber that can reach your large intestine intact — to feed your “good” bacteria and help alleviate digestive disorders
  •  How to turn your “digestion gene” back on so you better absorb food and nutrients
  •  Nature’s cure for indigestion that works better than popular alternatives
  •  And many more new secrets for restoring your gut, GI and elimination systems to great health, yours Free!
FREE e-Report No. 2:
Why Take a Nutritional Supplement?
A $19.95 value, yours FREE
In this exclusive Special e-Report, you’ll discover what you REALLY need to thrive in our modern, toxic world. Includes…
  • My revolutionary nutrition pyramid that replaces the USDA’s flawed food pyramid — for maximum health and healing
  • The myth of “family history” — and how to switch off genes that cause disease… even if it runs in your family
  • ​How to activate the control switch that REVERSES the age of your heart, brain and lungs
  •  The little-known plant compound that improves your memory, eases depression and sweeps toxic waste from your brain
  •  The mineral miracle that can make you nearly immune to arthritis
  •  The natural powerhouse that prevents and treats blood sugar concerns… controls cravings for sweets… and builds lean muscle mass
  •  The “heart vitamin” that provides high octane energy and healthy blood pressure
  •  And more natural secrets for balancing your hormones, sharpening your mind and boosting your sex drive, yours FREE!
FREE e-Report No. 3:
Purify Your Body in 6 Easy Steps
A $19.95 value, yours FREE
In this must-read Special e-Report you’ll discover...
  • Why an overload of toxins can cause depression… chronic fatigue… brain fog… arthritis… and digestive disorders like constipation and irritable bowels
  • ​Why detoxification can ramp up your energy levels… brighten your moods… sharpen your mind… and stop loss of brain power
  • Shocking findings: Nearly 40% of Americans have toxic lead in their bodies according to the Centers for Disease Control
  •  How to cleanse your body from the inside by eating “super foods”
  •  Five proven herbs that can flush your liver and kidneys of harmful toxins
  •  The best way to clean out your colon and reduce your risk of colon concerns by 40%
  •  Two natural compounds that will pull harmful heavy metals right out of your body
  •  The citrus secret that increases excretion of toxic mercury by 150%
  •  And other safe and natural secrets for purifying your body and supercharging your health
A $26.85 value
That’s a total of savings and FREE Gifts worth $136.65!

As always, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed — or you pay nothing.
Try Primal Biotic 100% Risk-Free…
Backed by a Money-Back Triple Guarantee
The unique primal probiotics and pre-biotics in my new Primal Biotic have made a remarkable difference in the digestive, GI and elimination health of my patients and me — and now, you can take the exact same nutrients… without risk

That’s because your order is backed by not one but three guarantees…

GUARANTEE No. 1: Primal Biotic is guaranteed to include 11 of the most powerful primal probiotics known to medical science — probiotics clinically shown to help alleviate occasional constipation, bowel concerns, abdominal discomfort and digestive distress. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.

GUARANTEE No. 2: Primal Biotic is guaranteed to include four of the most effective primal pre-biotics — to feed, nourish and amplify the gut-restoring, medicinal power of probiotics. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back

GUARANTEE No. 3: Primal Biotic is guaranteed to deliver 11 billion colony-forming units of probiotics in every serving — to help ease digestive, GI and elimination problems. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back.
In fact, for any reason — or for no reason at all — if you do not want to continue taking Primal Biotic, just return the unused portion or even empty bottles within 90 days of purchase.

You’ll promptly receive a FREE REFUND of every penny paid. This way, you risk nothing.  
Put an END to digestive, GI and elimination worries fast and forever!
With the power of the primal probiotics and pre-biotics, my patients have been having great results alleviating irregularity, occasional constipation, gut discomfort, digestive distress and all sorts of GI problems.

Now, they’re back to enjoying life with great gut, digestive and elimination health — and now, for the first time, you can take these same gut-restoring, gut-rejuvenating nutrients in my new Primal Biotic.

You have absolutely nothing to lose and great digestive, elimination and GI health to gain. So order the new Primal Biotic today.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. I urge you to hurry and order now. I expect once word gets out about this new gut-restoring formula, we’ll be slammed with orders — and I don’t want to run out. If so, that will mean ordering more, and you’ll likely have to wait weeks for your supply. So get your bottles of Primal Biotic now, when you can.

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You’ll receive 3 bottles (a 3-month supply) of Primal Biotic for only $44.95 per bottle, that’s a 10% savings per bottle, plus shipping and handling.
You’ll receive 1 bottle (a 1-month supply) of Primal Biotic for only $49.95, plus shipping and handling.
1. Van Baarlen P, et al. “Human mucosal in vivo transcriptome responses to three lactobacilli indicate how probiotics may modulate human cellular pathways.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011;108 Suppl 1:4562-4569.

2. Fragiadakis GK, et al. “Links between environment, diet, and the hunter-gatherer microbiome.” Gut Microbes. 2018:1-12. 

3. Horosheva TV, et al. “Efficacy of Bacillus probiotics in prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.” JMM Case Reports. 2014;1. 

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6. Hoa TT, et al. “Fate and dissemination of Bacillus subtilis spores in a murine model.” App Environ Microbial. 2001;67(9):3819-3823. 

7. Zhang HL, et al. “Mucosa-repairing and microbiota-balancing therapeutic effect of Bacillus subtilis alleviates dextrate sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in mice.” Exp Ther Med. 2016;12(4):2554-2562. 

8. Hatanaka M, et al. “Influence of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 on microbiota in a dynamic in vitro model of the gastrointestinal tract simulating human conditions.” Benef Microbes. 2012;3(3):229-236. 

9. Hosoi T, et al. “Improved growth and viability of lactobacilli in the presence of Bacillus subtilis (natto), catalase, or subtilisin.” Can J Microbiol. 2000;46(10):892-897. 

10. Sanchez M, et al. “Effect of lactobacillus rhamnosus CGMCC1.3724 supplementation on weight loss and maintenance in obese men and women.” Br J Nutr. 2014;111(8):1507-1519. 

11. Science Daily. “Probiotics may help ward off obesity, study in pregnant women suggests.” European Association for the Study of Obesity. May 8, 2009. 
12. Mekkes MC, et al. “The development of probiotic treatment in obesity: A review.” Benef Microbes. 2014;5(1):19-28. 

13. Luedde M, et al. “Heart failure is associated with depletion of core intestinal microbiota.” ESC Heart Fail. 2017;4(3):282-290. 

14. Tang WH, et al. “Prognostic value of elevated levels of intestinal microbe-generated metabolite trimethylamine-N-oxide in patients with heart failure: Refining the gut hypothesis.” J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;64(18):1908-1914. 

15. Gilani AH, et al. “Antispasmodic effects of Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) is mediated predominantly through K+ -Channel Activation.” Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006;99(5):365-373. 

16. Abou-Donia MB, et al. “Splenda alters gut microflora and increases intestinal p-glycoprotein and cyctochrome p-450 in male rats.” J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2008;71(21):1415-1429. 

17. Mawdsley JE and Ramptom DS. “Psychological stress in IBD: New insights into pathogenic and therapeutic implications.” Gut. 2005;54(10):1481-1491. 

18. Collins SM and Bercik P. “The relationship between intestinal microbiota and the central nervous system in normal gastrointestinal function and disease.” Gastroenterology. 2009;136(6):2003-2014. 

19. Cryan JF and O’Mahony SM. “The microbiome-gut-brain axis: From bowel to behavior.” Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2011;23(3):187-192. 

20. Dash S, et al. “The gut microbiome and diet in psychiatry: Focus on depression.” Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2015;28(1):1-6. 

21. Lee DE, et al. “Clinical evidence of effects of lactobacillus plantarum HY7714 on skin aging: A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study.” J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015;25(12):2160-2168. 
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